Do you have a logo?

My logo is in my Sig. It relates to me because it's my cousin. He passed away last December. I have my nick name, "LEXAcide" which is my gamertag from XBox Live from almost 5 years ago. I also have the devil tail just for kicks. Anyway, I like it and I believe that plain and simple is the best way to go! For me anyway. I think the key to a great logo is a good resolution and good megapixels. In Photoshop, I made sure this image is very clear from the size it is now, to even zoomed in at 10X.

If anybody wants a nice little logo, I could attempt at some. Message me with some basic details you would like, perhaps some images that you might want to be in there, and colors, etc. I don't guarantee that I will make you one, but I may if I have time!
I need a logo soon :P I need a nice piece of software like after effects to so that i can add my logo into an intro....but that's far in the future I think :P
I don't have one mainly because I like Youtube as YOUtube so I don't like having other people do things for me and I just haven't had time to create a logo.
I need a logo soon :p I need a nice piece of software like after effects to so that i can add my logo into an intro....but that's far in the future I think :p

You could do that in almost any video editor quite easily, add a new track above the main tracks, drag and drop your PNG transparent background logo onto the new track on the timeline, adjust how long its on for and opacity etc and that would be it :)
ya i could do that but i want to get like my logo into a moving intro and incorperate it that way, and thats why i was thinking after effects for that :P but thanks for the tip on putting it in that way tho :)
ya i could do that but i want to get like my logo into a moving intro and incorperate it that way, and thats why i was thinking after effects for that :p but thanks for the tip on putting it in that way tho :)

No problem, you would need that for very fancy stuff yes :)
No problem, you would need that for very fancy stuff yes :)
Any Ideas as to what I shouold do for my logo? I really have no good ideas :P im thinking of incorporating the letters CBR into it and maybe like a spray painted crown? I just dont know where to start as to how to make it :P
Oh i forgot to add maybe like a spraypaint style for the whole thing? is there a program that can make that? cause I think that would be really cool if i could attempt to make it :)
Those are good ideas, a graffiti font in 3D text on a wall might look good too, I wouldn't mind helping but I am bad at doing spray paint effects. I would definitely try and get your username in it as much as you can, even CBR is good enough if it cant fit.

EDIT: I honestly dont know of any that automates that, you could try this although I couldn't figure out lol