Do you guys script videos?

I am like 70% scripted. But I always want to leave room to AdLib. I find that it helps me to stay on topic especially when my video has a lot of cutaways.
Well, to review things you need to have some sort of script to get out all the information. I usually script out the game information and specific skits, but I leave my actual thoughts on the game I'm worrying up in the air,
I always script my videos, then after i go over the script couple of times, trying to improve the script some more and get more pratice and better saying it the script couple times before i flim my videos.

I will always script my videos before hand because i feel it is better for me and in my opinion i don't have to think or remember on what to say to the camera for couple minutes everytime when i recording my videos. :)

Just like CoolMoo5 said
I"m still trying to figure that one out. But I would never go into a video without at least a plan or some sort. Videos are usually really bad if you just randomly shot stuff or just sit in from of a camera and randomly say stuff.

I totally agree with you there. :) I prefer to have script to remember what i want to say and it is way better than trying to think or remember stuff to say to the camera, it takes too long sonetimes and also when you have a script you know when you are going to finish and it safes you from forgetting that stuff you was going to say to the camera lots of times

I suggest for you to try it out and see how it works outs for you. :)

Sorry OP James your videos are great but i always wondered do Big Youtubers like Marcus Butler, PointlessBlog, Joe Sugg, OllieWhiteTV, Zoella and lots more script there videos before hand or do they record there videos without a script?

I thought it be very interesting to ask what anyone on here thought? :)
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I'm not a big time vlogger, so I don't really script unless I'm doing a poetry video that involves more than one person. I mainly just post big idea videos (which have mainly been me singing and flailing in my room) or poetry. There really isn't an inbetween
Sounds like most other people here, but don't script. Just have a good idea of the things you want to talk about and have aback up. That way if the thing you talk about first doesn't last as long as you think, you can seamlessly transition to the next. Ad-libbing means you never know how long you'll end up talking about a particular subject so you have to be prepared
I can't bring myself to script my videos. I write down ideas and stuff occasionally if they're REALLY good and don't wanna forget em but other than that I just sit in front of a camera and say words tbh :P
Yeah, if you script something big, then it'll seem like you're not yourself. Unscripted videos have more personality to them.
I can't bring myself to script my videos. I write down ideas and stuff occasionally if they're REALLY good and don't wanna forget em but other than that I just sit in front of a camera and say words tbh :p

I have scripted a few. Such as my most viewed video. but almost all of my vids I turn a camera on and wing it.