Do you guys script videos?


I Love YTtalk
I can't bring myself to script my videos. I write down ideas and stuff occasionally if they're REALLY good and don't wanna forget em but other than that I just sit in front of a camera and say words tbh :P
I can't bring myself to script my videos. I write down ideas and stuff occasionally if they're REALLY good and don't wanna forget em but other than that I just sit in front of a camera and say words tbh :p
I don't script it. I tried before and I find that if I ad-lib my way through it sounds better. but that's just me. I do have some small notes of key points sometimes to ensure I don't forget them though. :D
it depends. reviews are usually always scripted just so I dont miss anything. unboxing videos are never scripted because, well, they're unboxings.

everything else I jot down idea and take notes, but I don't script it. I find it more interesting if the youtuber genuinely talks to the viewers
I partially script, but it's usually just my ideas that I've got written down on paper, and potentially a couple of points that I definitely want to make. The rest is just improv. I personally like having blend of a planned video with a little bit of improv, it helps things come across a little more natural. That's just me though :P
I do rough story boards/shot lists, just so I don't miss any shots that I know I want. For vlogs I generally just go off the dome because I'm out and about and I don't know what I'll be seeing.
I tried to read off of a script once for a video but I just couldn't do it. I'm much better at just adlibbing my way through it and just kind of going with it instead of scripting. If it's a storytime video or something like that I will usually write down key points and just use those as a guide but no scripts for me :P
I"m still trying to figure that one out. But I would never go into a video without at least a plan or some sort. Videos are usually really bad if you just randomly shot stuff or just sit in from of a camera and randomly say stuff.
I don't script videos. I have a running list of ideas on my phone's note pad. When I pick a video to do, I think about key things I want to make sure I say at some point, but then I just talk. I end up saying a bunch of things two or three times because the first time it comes off not quite the way I heard it in my brain.
The one time I ever scripted a video was YouTuber Impressions. Because I can't really imitate voices, I wanted the content to be spot on. It took me forever, and I didn't really enjoy the process, although I do like the video. :)
Actually, I did script another video I am doing in a couple weeks, but the script is really short with a beginning, middle, and end, and for the video to work well, the words and timing have to be exactly right. Hopefully that will end my scripting career.
I'd say about 80% of the time I make my videos on the spot. Sometimes if I'm uneasy or there are longer computations I'll work the problems for my video first, make sure the answer is correct, then make the video and work it out without looking while I make the video. This way if I get to a part in the video where the computation is not obvious I can just look and say, ok that is 281(via calculator).
Thats why I can't do "sit down vlogs" well - I can't improv to save my life and always feel stupid when I'm just stuttering all over the place. Im getting better at not scripting but Im a perfectionist - Hannah