Do you get involved in arguments on YouTube?

when I see people arguing on youtube


My thoughts with arguing online is that anybody can become somebody they're not from using a keyboard. Plus its just a waste of time
We cannot please everyone with our videos and there will be sure hate or negative comments that way way even go down the belt, best thing to do for me is to leave it behind move forward and make better videos. This makes us a better person.
I got into one the yesterday actually that went from me talking to someone sharing my thoughts on a matter us coming to a new understanding each other as people and then some rando guy trying to pick a fight with me I commented back twice and then said I don't believe the youtube comments are any place for this kind of discussion if you would like to debate then feel free to PM me and I will continue our conversation. Needless to say he never PMed me. People that are picking fights on youtube are just attention whores. But I will engage in a conversation as long as the conversation itself is productive like my conversation with the first individual.