Posting Mad!
All earnings are taxed. You will claim your earnings as personal income. Basically your annual income tax.
I really wonder why we need to pay TAX to be honest. I mean we pay money to YouTube 55% than we pay a cut to our networks and then on top of that we need to pay TAX what? I mean don’t we pay enough?
If I pay tax than there would ne nothing left for me to be honest so is this really true do we really need to pay TAX after so many cuts that we need to pay?
Fellows - a little correction in case you misunderstood the topic: the topic is about VAT (Value Added Tax)
- its additional taxes that comes on top of regular taxes, which is needed to pay in some cases, but in our case as i understand Google pays that VAT as @Shane mentioned in previous posts and as mentioned on Google website.
So looks like nearly in all cases from Youtube Adsense earnings we do not need to pay VAT, we only need to pay regular taxes which in fact differs a lot from country to country.
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