Do we take Music only from YouTube music studio to avoid copyright strikes.

Hi friends

My new channel is "Labony's Mix blog" I also started a channel two years ago "Growing Kids" But the channel got several copyright strikes. Now I get the suggestions to get the music only from youtube music studio or I will get the strikes again and again. Is there any other non copyrighted sources?

In my new channel " Labony's Mix Blog" I afraid to use any music from others sources..

Please give me suggestions how I can grow my new channel and earn money from YouTube.

Thanks in advance.

My new channel Labony's Mix Blog"
there are different services where you can find music without copyright, there are whole libraries

But I heard that some music library say their musicks are not copyrighted but after one or two years those music's claim as copyrighted and take the share of revenue!! Is it true?