Do video thumbnails matter?

Yes they absolutely matter. It's the first thing that the potential viewer sees, even before the title!
Thanks. I am actually not using photoshop. I am using a very old discontinued Microsoft program called Photodraw. It is very powerful and still runs on windows 10. It is like a million times more user friendly then Photoshop. Not sure why Microsoft dropped it. I bought it new in 2000. It's old, but it serves all my needs, so why change. You know what I mean?
hey don't fix what ain't broke!
hey don't fix what ain't broke!

You know it.

You look to be one of the more experienced members here. Let me ask you a question. Does getting too fancy with graphics, intros and stuff hurt? Take my latest video for example. Did I go too far with the intro? I don't have to make these intro, but it's just fun to let the creative juices flow, if you know what I mean.

I can't post the video link so here is the ID. b6ObjPdER-k
YES! Thumbnails are essential! I will always click on a video that has a better thumbnail. It shows more effort and work and less laziness. I always always always suggest people to get photoshop and learn it. It the most valuable tool for creating and editing thumbnails and photos. :)
You know it.

You look to be one of the more experienced members here. Let me ask you a question. Does getting too fancy with graphics, intros and stuff hurt? Take my latest video for example. Did I go too far with the intro? I don't have to make these intro, but it's just fun to let the creative juices flow, if you know what I mean.

I can't post the video link so here is the ID. b6ObjPdER-k
I think the intro was good. As long as the intro isn't too long, I think it should be fine. For an intro, I'd give it at most 10 seconds long. It's always good to let your creativity flow, just be mindful of time. Otherwise people will get 20 seconds in and be like, so where's the actual content?
I would say yes, definitely. Especially when you make a bright and colorful thumbnail. One thing I always do for my custom thumbnail is turn up the saturation, since that makes your thumbnail look more colorful. On YouTube, watched videos become dimmer and duller, so it is always helpful to make your videos look the opposite of "watched", so more people click on it. I also find it helpful to make whatever is in the frame larger, and that includes your face, the products you are showing, and the keywords on the thumbnail.
Thumbnail design is super important. You're competing with the other videos that surround yours for the viewers to decide which one to click
Thumbnails are the first things a viewer will see, this means they will either click on your video or not. If someone sees a really boring thumbnail, there is a smaller chance at which they will click it than a thumbnail which is eye catching. The eye catching video might have worst content but more people will view it because of the thumbnail.
it absolutely matters. companies spend millions of dollars in advertising determining which colors make a user feel a certain way when they look at their advertisements. it's mostly an impulse / draw your eye to click this type of thing. that being said, i'm trying to get better at it myself.