Do I Worry To Much!

:) Thanx, yeh i was thinkin about using the GS, in fact I have the potential of making a more Professional looking Vlog, my worry is that if I try hard to much at start people may be put off, but in future I will try a bit harder at the surroundings lol
Good Vlog dude, you have a lot of the same opinions as me about stuff, especially when it comes to pokemon and good alcohols :p Not having a set or using your GS doesn't really bother me too much, but that's probably just because most of the vloggers I watch don't have them, like meekakitty and tobyturner etc. anyways good vid man :D
Hey thanx bro, means a lot to me, glad we share stuff in common, just gonna check some of your vids out :)
--- merged: Jun 4, 2012 at 9:13 PM ---
haha the "I know what you did last night" hilarius!
Hey thanx bro, means a lot to me, glad we share stuff in common, just gonna check some of your vids out :)
--- merged: Jun 4, 2012 at 9:13 PM ---
haha the "I know what you did last night" hilarius!

Same goes for your cow ***** song lol, just linked it to my facebook, couldn't stop laughing at it, haha, awesome :p