Did you do these primary/elementary school jokes/tricks?

I know like half of these.[DOUBLEPOST=1367875579,1367875534][/DOUBLEPOST]
Is it bad the first time I heard that was on family guy? :confused:
hahahaha I think it's bad anyone's ever heard of it at all LOL
Tell someone that they dropped their gay card.
I'm 30 and I still use this one at work. Usually when it's busy and they don't quite get what I said. The other one I use is "have you seen this?" and hold my finger and thumb in a O shape below my waist; if they look you get the right to punch them in the arm.

It's not just schoolboy humour in the UK. Some of us never really grew up! :D

Another evil work-based prank I've played(I work in a picking/packing warehouse) is at the end of a shift someone's just finishing up and you just dash up to them, telling them not to seal up their box as the special order's still being picked. They get confused, what special? What, you didn't know? And then you tell them about a non-existent special order that's meant to be bundled with their current packing job. So while you run off to find it, what you're really doing is running away to get your last hot drink before your workmate realises you were lying and comes after you on a 5-ton forklift truck.
I'm 30 and I still use this one at work. Usually when it's busy and they don't quite get what I said. The other one I use is "have you seen this?" and hold my finger and thumb in a O shape below my waist; if they look you get the right to punch them in the arm.

It's not just schoolboy humour in the UK. Some of us never really grew up! :D

Another evil work-based prank I've played(I work in a picking/packing warehouse) is at the end of a shift someone's just finishing up and you just dash up to them, telling them not to seal up their box as the special order's still being picked. They get confused, what special? What, you didn't know? And then you tell them about a non-existent special order that's meant to be bundled with their current packing job. So while you run off to find it, what you're really doing is running away to get your last hot drink before your workmate realises you were lying and comes after you on a 5-ton forklift truck.
you are my kind of people.
you are my kind of people.
I've got more work-based pranks(sorry to derail this topic, OP!). Our forklifts are gas powered; that is to say propane canisters that don't have a fuel meter and you've got no warning as to when they'll go flat until they splutter and die. And once they do, you turn the bottle off and swap it out for a new one.

Why do I mention this? Well there's this one guy who hasn't a single funny bone in his body. His job is driving the forklifts all day back and forth, never gets a chance to get off and stretch his legs apart from breaks. At first he loved it but now he can't stand it. So I thought I'd do him a favour and give him a chance to have a little walk.
Once orders are packed, we place them into kingsize black bins. He then comes in at the end of the day, takes these bins on a short drive outside and loads them up.

One day, the boss came over to him and asked him whether a specific item was being loaded or not. The rule at our place is if someone's within 1 meter of your truck you lower the forks and turn off the engine. So while the boss distracts him, I turn the gas off on his bottle. I'm not clocked by the driver, but the boss has seen me as has most of the workforce.
Once the deed was done a few of us went outside - we've turned the gas off a few times on trucks and can guess roughly when they'll cut out - so he fires up his forklift, grabs a bin and drives outside. His truck coughs and dies just where we're gathered, which led to him instantly knowing someone's killed his gas.

Amazingly, he found the funny side of it, especially when the boss was lurking in the background ******* himself.
I've got more work-based pranks(sorry to derail this topic, OP!). Our forklifts are gas powered; that is to say propane canisters that don't have a fuel meter and you've got no warning as to when they'll go flat until they splutter and die. And once they do, you turn the bottle off and swap it out for a new one.

Why do I mention this? Well there's this one guy who hasn't a single funny bone in his body. His job is driving the forklifts all day back and forth, never gets a chance to get off and stretch his legs apart from breaks. At first he loved it but now he can't stand it. So I thought I'd do him a favour and give him a chance to have a little walk.
Once orders are packed, we place them into kingsize black bins. He then comes in at the end of the day, takes these bins on a short drive outside and loads them up.

One day, the boss came over to him and asked him whether a specific item was being loaded or not. The rule at our place is if someone's within 1 meter of your truck you lower the forks and turn off the engine. So while the boss distracts him, I turn the gas off on his bottle. I'm not clocked by the driver, but the boss has seen me as has most of the workforce.
Once the deed was done a few of us went outside - we've turned the gas off a few times on trucks and can guess roughly when they'll cut out - so he fires up his forklift, grabs a bin and drives outside. His truck coughs and dies just where we're gathered, which led to him instantly knowing someone's killed his gas.

Amazingly, he found the funny side of it, especially when the boss was lurking in the background ******* himself.
My boss at KFC is a bit of a troll as well. There is this girl named Chavaila, he always writes her name as "chavaula" on the schedule and calls her "chavAWla" when it's pronounced "ChavAYla" she gets so mad and sometimes goes "omg WHY do you call me that you know what my name is!!!" He always replies "I just go by what the schedule says" she then gets even more frustrated and yells "YOU MAKE THE SCHEDULE!!" To which he usually replies "I fail to see how that is relevant" LOL... I love crazy work mates.
So I have a video idea that involves tricks played on each other in school and I wasn't sure if the jokes I was talking about were just at my school or just in the UK. I don't want half of my viewers to not know what I was talking about so it would really help me out if you could tell me if you did the following things and what country you are from.

Spell I CUP

What's your name? What colour is the sky? What is the opposite of on?

Say gayboyssaywhat really quickly so that they would say what.

Mime the word colourful to someone because it looks like you're saying "I love you."

Did you have those squidgy, gooey alien toys that everyone thought would have babies if you put them back to back in a fridge?

Tell someone that they dropped their gay card.

I can make you turn your hands over without touching them.

If your hand is bigger than your face it means you have cancer.

Do you want a pound? (this one is definitely UK only)

Whats your name? spell it.

Do you want a hurts doughnut?

Are there any things like this that you did that I missed?
Even in America/Canada we do those things! (except for the one about pounds lol)