Services Decent Backgrounds

glad u like it

Hey man, nice backgrounds, dats some serious skillz brother. :D

Could you make me one of them?

I would like something gaming related, like you can insert Vaas Montenegro, Agent 47, Connor, or something like gaming, from new age, and put gamerexq somewhere that's adaptable, and subscribe in another one. Or just gamerexq on top of videos, or wherever it can adapt.

I'd like to see what you could do for me.

Non partnered
Background the colors of my new intro (as seen in the cinnamon roll video)
I don't have any pictures to offer up.
A spatula, crossed knives, chefs hat, all of kind of of faded into the background, not too busy, but whatever you think looks cool would be great.
My name, Chef Kendra on there maybe going down one side, heck I don't know that's why I'm not a graphics designer. :)
hey im having a really hard time making your background nothing is turning out decent :(