Dealing with Dislikes ~ Help Appreciated :O

Ok Thanks for the feedback lads ;) Very encouraging to see your positive thoughts towards the whole thing ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1484105311,1484105269][/DOUBLEPOST]
Stay with me homie! I'm here to help. We all want big things. Our audience knows if we are taking it to serious though. I work 60 hour weeks as a trucker and put out at least 1 video per day. I get the grind. I know the dedication. All I'm saying is if you let things like dislikes bother you you might be on the fast track to failure. I'm not going to lie. I started youtube because I saw dollar signs. Boy I was way wrong. Now it's the love of doing it and every bad thing that comes from it. It's a life changer man. gotta toughen up.
yup gotcha
I watched your video and it seemed fine. Good engagement it was short and sweet which I liked a lot of people like to post long videos and its hard to really get into it that much. Maybe someone is noticing your success and is just trolling. Don't think about it too much man just keep going.
I watched your video and it seemed fine. Good engagement it was short and sweet which I liked a lot of people like to post long videos and its hard to really get into it that much. Maybe someone is noticing your success and is just trolling. Don't think about it too much man just keep going.
Thx bro
checked out your channel man. you seem pretty mature and I saw nothing really wrong with your videos. Just could be one hater disliking your videos with multiple accounts. Nothing you can really do but enjoy those extra views he/she gives you. keep an eye on comments though.
checked out your channel man. you seem pretty mature and I saw nothing really wrong with your videos. Just could be one hater disliking your videos with multiple accounts. Nothing you can really do but enjoy those extra views he/she gives you. keep an eye on comments though.
yup thank you ;)
You didn't put this video on reddit by any chance? Because that can garner some hate if it looks like blatant self promotion.
Getting likes and dislikes is no different from your daily lives. You have ups (likes) and downs (dislikes). Having dislikes should make you value your likes more. Otherwise, a like is just a number since it doesn't mean much.