Yeah that could be pretty funny! You should do the paranoid phone call prank too, thats like the best prank ever :D
Well I know one of my friends did gymnastics and at practice they would do funny things like trying to drink or eat while doing handstands? It was always real funny!
Haha I will for sure do that! I used to do gymnastics (until I was like 12 haha) So I can actually do a handstand and stuff!

Donate the money they give you to charity. And you're welcome!
Does "paying for my rent" count as charity? Hahaha

I dare you to do your makeup with your irregular hand (ex. if you're right handed use your left hand) AND without a mirror, in front of the camera. Saw one other person do it and it was pretty funny!
I think I could do that as a whole video! Haha So I might actually do just that. ^_^ Thanks for the great idea![DOUBLEPOST=1381008146,1381008118][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah that could be pretty funny! You should do the paranoid phone call prank too, thats like the best prank ever :D
I'm not sure I know what that is actually. I'll have to go look it up!