Gaming CSGO Funny Moments Collab


Active Member
Hello there, long story short, I'm a CSGO Youtuber doing only Gunsyncs ( until now - I would like to change that.

That's why im looking for 3-5 people to...actually...just do complete BS with at CS. An example of what I mean can be found by searching Fitz on Youtube. Guess it wont be anywhere as good as that, but over time im sure that my editing motivation will make me also improve my editing skill and thus, I gues,, at some point those videos will become good and..maybe something as "funny"...? You know what I mean :p

What you need:

- A Youtube Channel...well..
- Probably 2 CSGO Accounts, or in other words, atleast one at silver-Nova1 ranks.
- Amateur-like knowledge of CSGO (100+ Hours atleast, I guess...) (I personally got 2000..)
- Being able to record yourself...I mean that should be obvious..
- A reasonably good microphone (aint even talking about a headset. Just make sure theres no cooling fan I can hear in the video afterwards (as long as that applies you can even turn your cooler up so hard that its earrape, as long as its okay on the video and I can understand what you say do what you want :D ))
- IDK, if there is something you can call Skill in being funny bring a pack with you, or two, so I can finally be funny for those videos aswell.

Hit me up! Discord-Server: (Owner) / Youtube:

PS: The DANKeeeer ur voice is, teh better. If ur voice isnt DANKee enuf, use voice changer. I will prob do so aswell cuz my voice is not DANKeeh enuf.
I will, currently GN3, was an MG2 but stopped playing tbh. If you want to do funny moments, I would suggest us doing an adventure map. I know this good one that is so funny tbh, but its very well made. HMU on discord if interested - bertyboy123#2007
I will, currently GN3, was an MG2 but stopped playing tbh. If you want to do funny moments, I would suggest us doing an adventure map. I know this good one that is so funny tbh, but its very well made. HMU on discord if interested - bertyboy123#2007

Sorry that it took me so long to respond - your Discord addy doesnt work. Send me a new one/join my server