I've Got It
Sadly I don't think we will be seeing any of it. I would definitely unlink your channel from them Fusionade. From previous forums I've read a few big channels got their money, but it took a while. I think with Creative Nations current financial status we won't be as lucky. They seem to have now completely ignored everyone except their channel which is Facts. I hope they decide to change their mind. Like I said in a previous reply I am taking a trip there in December for something else, but I will be visiting them since ill be in the same area as their offices. Ive actually spoke in DM's to a YouTube news channel and they said they're going to run a story on them. They are just putting together all the evidence etc. right now. Awesome thing is I now have all the addresses and phone #'s I need I of course won't try to find/vlog them during my trip if they decide to pay me before then. The news channel running the story is out of my hands now though...I just came back to YouTube and made a very good amount of money this month (by my channel's standards, something around $300). I haven't been paid by them since March 2017 but I didn't care because it was like $8-$10, now I'm really worried I won't see this $300 because I'm still partnered with them. I plan on unlinking my channel and connecting with a new network, but can anyone tell me what might happen with this $300 I really need/want? Am I not gonna see it?