Creating an abriged channel?

Hey guys, i was thinking of starting a channel (that has to connection to the one i have now) where we abrige something, like an anime. we would need writers, editors and voice acters. i can do some voice acting(maybe all if no one else wants to XD) , and i may be able to edit if no one else feels up to it. let me know if you're interested, when we have a team we'll get started on thinking about what show to do.

The problem with an abridged series is that you won't be allowed to profit off of it (become a YouTube Partner) unless you receive permission from the creators to monetize their content. But if you're just doing this for fun, by all means go ahead :)
Ya, I don't plan on monetizing it, it's just for fun, that's the only reason why I'm considering the 14 y/o writer XD
ok ive decided we are going to do bayblade, sorry for not consulting you guys but the writer i found has only ever seen bayblade XD if you guys really dont want to do bayblade then we'll try to find something different, if you're ok with it, heres a link to what i HOPE are the episodes[DOUBLEPOST=1358909796,1358903192][/DOUBLEPOST]nvm we're doing death note XD[DOUBLEPOST=1358915112][/DOUBLEPOST]ok guys im sorry to say that unless we get an editor this will not be able to progress, because i can't edit it, i cant even download it! XD