CPU Temperature, a question for the techies...


I managed to clean out all the dust and grime from the fan and heatsink, as a matter of fact I cleaned the whole inside of my machine thoroughly and applied a new layer of thermal paste between the CPU and the heatsink, but despite all this the temperature has not gone down whatsoever! I have to admit my CPU is kind of old, somewhere in the 8-10 years range. Can age have a noticeable effect on performance? If so, do you recommend I buy a new CPU?

It's an Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550.
At this point I'd look into getting a new heatsink fan.
Well if you use the stock, cooling kit, heatsink + fan, it should be enough I still think it's a bit abnormal, I may be wrong tho. I've seen some setups as I happen to own an old GeForce FX 5500 from MSI which doesnt have a fan at all, it was like that from the start ( as as side note : it looks cool tho, if you view it from the side the heat sink spells out MSI :D ). Well years of usage may have it's effect on the fan for example, so as a cheap way try replacing that, but somehow I still get the feeling that its about to totally break, so I would get myself ready for that. Beware tho, as you can partially damage a chip, which will work for sometime then "give up" and break finally, from the possible sideeffect you can get anything from, programs crashing, random bluescreens, high idle temperature ( or just too high temperature in general ). I think if it is in fact damaged the next thing you can expect is the random bluescreens.
Coolermaster has cheap ones but they are great. They sell $35 Coolermaster Hyper 212 Evo.