Could you criticize my video?

Marcus Walker

Active Member

I was wondering if anyone had some spare time to look at this video and tell me what they like and don't like about the video? I worked for quite a bit editing this. and was wondering what i should improve on and focus my time on? (I'm a little bit slower at editing, i get distracted a lot)

Here's the link. Thank you to anyone who took time out of their day to watch it!

"10 Things I Love About My Truck"

-Marcus Walker
Hey Marcus,

Your videos looks pretty clear, you speak well and don't mumble when you don't exactly know what to say which is really nice to see. The videos itself is nicely edited and is good overall. Just make sure to add in the links to the other videos in the outro and also part way through the video when you tell the viewer about another video to check out.

Hope that helps :)