Cosmic Panda Nearly Fully Out

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I kind of hate it. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot that I like. But for content creators, especially up and coming ones, we're really going to have to rely more on outside promotion rather than on youtube. Also, I've already unsubscribed to a lot of channels that produce A LOT of content simply for the fact they take up too much space in my feed. For example: Machina posts like 20 videos a day or something to that extent. That's so much space, I can't find the other shows I like to watch, and there's no way to fix that. I can't "x" out of their videos to take them off my feed like I used to. I see a lot of people not really sub4sub'ing some people because of this (which could be a good thing, cuz I thought that system was kind of broken anyway).

Also, there's no way to prioritize youtubers you want to see. I mean, you can pin them, but they all go into alphabetical order. I should have chosen a username with an "A" in the front...I'd probably get more subs now.
I am glad I dont tend to use the subscription lists etc on there with them being like that, I use my browser bookmarks with a folder to check out whatever channels when I want to. It's a shame I cant see if there's anything new until visiting but more often than not there is something new when I do check them out. It's a bit crappy for those who do use them though.

Summer told me about this just a moment ago, there's a partner she watches daily who has the new layout turned on and another she watches who has the old one turned on, both channels used to get the same amount of comments activity more or less, the one with Cosmic Panda on hasn't had one for over 7 hours now and the other has comments from 3, 10, 12, 15, 19 minutes ago and so on so it is definitely killing spam comments but it will also probably be affecting legitimate commenting.
I've always just gone to the video's I want to see by clicking the subscriptions in the top right corner, after you click your username. I've always done this, and the new layout doesn't change this, so it's not a big deal to me. I never used the homepage anyway. The only big change for me is the channel page.
AND YOU CAN'T THUMB COMMENTS!!! My entire way of self promotion is gone. No more adding friends...No more top comments...I actually have to trust people to just SHARE my content? Gahhh!
I've noticed things like that quite a bit recently, Cosmic Panda was released a day or two earlier to guests for about half an hour or so and I thought it was out then but it got turned off again. I wonder if they're going to bring back the subscriber box or a list of some sort for them.
i think there are definitely some positives to it. I like the bar on the side, but I'd like to be able to manually order it (not alphabetical). The new layout for the homepage and sub video updates is pretty cool. It's much better than the old youtube. The insight stats are REALLY cool (much better in my opinion). The channel is the only quirk i have. I like having the friends option and I'm not a big fan of the new channel layout.
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