Copyrite Music

If I add just 10 seconds of a copyrite song can I still monetize the video?

Short answer - no. You can get into trouble even for just simply using 2 seconds of a copyrighted song. You should just stick to royalty-free music. :)

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Short answer - no. You can get into trouble even for just simply using 2 seconds of a copyrighted song. You should just stick to royalty-free music. :)

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I'll just have to do without the music all together. I can't use royalty free music as the video I'm making is going to be on Shoo-fly pie and I wanted to use the chorus of the song title "Shoo-fly Pie"
If it is going to be flagged as copyrighted content, is going to be flagged whether you monetize or not. Depending on the policy of the copyright holder, they'll either allow you to monetize or not, but either way, the same thing will happen. I don't think you'll get in more trouble if it is monetized. Has anyone experienced otherwise and it was definitely because you monetized it?
unfortunately no, the cid is pretty strict - even with public domain, the CID rep suggested i avoid going to 30 seconds. I like using public domain movie vocals sometimes to make music videos and it can cause a problem if another major distributor uses the same sample in a composition and tries to make a claim. and this has happened to me too. it's really a mess.

as a music maker, while i appreciate that I'm able to protect my compositions and have the ability to make a living doing this, it felt like i better join cid or else suffer the red-tape.

I try to offset the negative image of cid and tell people it's easy to license my music, in return I try to keep up a playlist promoting them back - it's helpful for smaller channels, and helps me promote.

Your best bet is developing a relationship with someone that controls cid - like some companies / networks out there have agreements that whilelist their network channels for usage ...othewise the bot part of it is ruthless.
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Monetize or not all videos are treated equally. You'll get a copyright strike if you use a copyrighted song either way.