Nope. There is no option that results in an automatic strike. They have track, monetize and block. Track provides analytics data. Monetize does as well but forces monetization. Block makes the video not visible. None of these strikes the channel. Only a DMCA takedown does that and this requires manual content owner involvement.
Beg to differ with you, Tarmack; there is at least one in the Content ID system that does it. If a Content Owner chooses to block the viewing of a video tagged by Content ID worldwide, that both throws the involved channel into bad standing, and results in an automatic strike against same. A partial block, which only blocks it for some areas, doesn't do this.
If you don't believe me, research it on YouTube. OMG!!! I just found the
Content ID Handbook!! Let me sink my teeth into this baby![DOUBLEPOST=1441300126,1441299279][/DOUBLEPOST]
Beg to differ with you, Tarmack; there is at least one in the Content ID system that does it. If a Content Owner chooses to block the viewing of a video tagged by Content ID worldwide, that both throws the involved channel into bad standing, and results in an automatic strike against same. A partial block, which only blocks it for some areas, doesn't do this.
If you don't believe me, research it on YouTube. OMG!!! I just found the Content ID Handbook!! Let me sink my teeth into this baby!
Let me correct my last statement; a worldwide block though it may not
look like a copyright strike, will have the same effect as one. The person claimed against's account goes into bad standing, loses the ability to upload videos longer than 15 minutes, loses custom thumbnails, monetization may be disabled for future uploads, and unless the block is cleared, these conditions will last for six months.
In other words, if it looks like a duck, waddles and quacks like a duck...get my drift?