So I have a channel where I do football edits and I have several copyright claims on my channel. What does this mean? It says I don't need to worry if I'm fine with the conditions (no viewing restrictions and monetised by claimant) but what does this affect for my channel?
I moved this to the copyright discussion forum. ^^

Getting a copyright claim (vs. a "strike") means that YouTube, or the copyright owner, has found and claimed copyrighted material in your content, but will currently allow it to stay on YouTube. Any ad revenue from the video will go to the copyright holder unless they allow shared revenue from the video.
I don´t think it will affect your channel in a negative way, but it will give you less money, as the people who has claimed it, could think it isn´t under fair use and claim the money from YOUR video!
Which makes me wonder: is it under fair use?
I'm not too bothered about money to be honest, I just enjoy making the edits! I believe it's under fair use- I will edit the original clips and it won't just be the raw footage.