I Love YTtalk
It will be interesting I hope my hard drive can store all the clippings.I dont personally care if you or anyone else earn stats that way, you're not lieing about it to others. These people could be interested, they might not be too which is why I mentioned that in my video there will be people out there looking just to sub for sub or hope you will sub back as they assume you will being on such sites. Thats why I also say I aint supporting them, I dont believe theyre perfect systems and people will use techniques to get you to watch their stuff but you didnt force them to subscribe there and who knows, maybe they like your video, I just didnt like how you said the views were fake when they technically arent with them being real people viewing, interested or not, fake is the wrong word to use there IMOWhy not ask them if they were interested as part of your documentary?
What is the content of your video? What's it about? I look forward to it haha
the video although I tried damned hard to make one that everyone would hate is unfortunately funny. However the subs are obtained by asking people to sub and not watch I dont think they watched the movie. I know how i used fireviews so its very likely the people using fireviews are using it the same way for the most part. I bumped into a lot of people on these forums :/
I dont think me subbing with an alt account to their channel is going to help them though that is me not wanting to give dead subs. My only question at the end of it will be .. is anyone going to actually partner the channel .. I have no idea what I will do if anyone says yes..

content I dont want to spill the beans but people here have watched it already i wont be posting to these forums not needed really it will get enough mileage on those rotators.