I've emailed them and told them that it's becoming a pain in the a**. I explained that I might as well detach from Fullscreen if they won't do anything as this is supposed to be a privilege you get for partnering. They said at the moment we can't do anything, but I will push the issue if it keeps happening. I bet if I speak legalese to them saying that they are breaching our contract they will try to do something. Just threatening to detach with under 700 subs is probably nothing to Fullscreen, but I bet a possible lawsuit would make them think twice! I'll have to look at my contract again because it's a legally binding document, I bet I can find it in writing that I'm correct and they are in the wrong.... I took business law for my Bachelors and MBA, so I know a thing or two lol. It won't be the first time I've thrown my weight around over written contracts and I usually come out ahead.