With all due respect, that’s probably why you have 19 subscribers after 5 months and I have 53,000 subscribers after a year. You gotta step up for yourself. No one else will. In fact, the original poster is gaining subs FASTER than YOU are, so it seems odd for you to be putting down anyone’s suggestions of help.
But in all seriousness, I’m not talking about doing this with people you are marginally connected to. But EVERYONE has a few dozen friends that you can say “DUDE, you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel yet? Get your d*mn phone out and let me show you how to subscribe!” I’m not talking about physically taking phones out of folks hands and forcing them to subscribe. Please use some basic common sense here.
The point of my comment was that if you have had a YouTube channel for several months and are still stuck at double-digit subscribers, you’re doing something wrong. LOTS of channels use a sub-4-sub model to get past the 100-sub mark so they can claim their unique channel ID and actually start REAL marketing using a brand name. I certainly did it. And once I got to 100 subs, I was able to do real marketing and get my subscriber base to over 50k in just over a year. This is a VERY common tactic, especially in commercial and corporate channels. It’s not a sustainable tactic and I would NEVER recommend it as a long term strategy. But in all honesty, do whatever it takes to get to 100 subs, claim your channel name and then implement all the other hundreds of ideas to drive traffic.