Constant Subs


I've Got It
Im struggling with getting a consistent sub count. I was getting about a sub a day but that grinded to a hault about a week ago. I know numbers aren’t everything but I was curious if there were any tips or advice on how to have consistent subscriber growth? I upload do upload consistently. I know I’m still pretty small so it’s going to be more difficult but anything I can do to help get the ball rolling?
One thing most of us starting out on YouTube forget about is our own social media. I’d be willing to bet my hat that you have a personal Facebook account, right? I’d also be willing to bet you have a few hundred friends on Facebook, right? Why aren’t they subscribers yet? Have you bothered to ask? Have you posted your videos to any of your current personal social media accounts?

One of the most important parts of starting a YouTube channel is bringing on board all the people in your life that love you already. You likely have a stable of friends on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat that you haven’t bothered to ask. It looks like you’ve been making videos for almost two months. Have you asked your friends and family to subscribe? If you are at 11 subs after 2 months, something tells me you aren’t promoting yourself to the people that know and love you the most. WHY??

If you can’t get the channel past 100 subs by yourself, YouTube will simply never suggest your videos. YouTube doesn’t need or want more content creators. YouTube needs and wants more content creators THAT CAN BRING THEIR OWN VIEWERS to their platform. It’s as simple as that, though I know that’s likely not the answer you wanted to hear.

It’s hard, but you CAN do this. When you’re out with friends, LITERALLY take their phones and open YouTube and subscribe to your channel FOR them. Make it a silly game. But you HAVE to bring something to the table if YouTube is going to promote you in the algorithm.
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I'd say the best thing that has happened to me was posting videos on relevant Reddit pages where I knew they would get traction but also appreciated.

I'd say network with a few others and utilize the power of social media!
One thing most of us starting out on YouTube forget about is our own social media. I’d be willing to bet my hat that you have a personal Facebook account, right? I’d also be willing to bet you have a few hundred friends on Facebook, right? Why aren’t they subscribers yet? Have you bothered to ask? Have you posted your videos to any of your current personal social media accounts?

One of the most important parts of starting a YouTube channel is bringing on board all the people in your life that love you already. You likely have a stable of friends on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat that you haven’t bothered to ask. It looks like you’ve been making videos for almost two months. Have you asked your friends and family to subscribe? If you are at 11 subs after 2 months, something tells me you aren’t promoting yourself to the people that know and love you the most. WHY??

If you can’t get the channel past 100 subs by yourself, YouTube will simply never suggest your videos. YouTube doesn’t need or want more content creators. YouTube needs and wants more content creators THAT CAN BRING THEIR OWN VIEWERS to their platform. It’s as simple as that, though I know that’s likely not the answer you wanted to hear.

It’s hard, but you CAN do this. When you’re out with friends, LITERALLY take their phones and open YouTube and subscribe to your channel FOR them. Make it a silly game. But you HAVE to bring something to the table if YouTube is going to promote you in the algorithm.
I promoted my channel on Facebook, tumblr, Twitter, and instagram last week when my new video came out. I gained bunch of views on that video but only 1 subscriber... I’m not sure why. I don’t want to be spamming my friends with my channel. This is the first channel I’ve promoted with my friends and family and I thought they would help me gain momentum but that didn’t happen[DOUBLEPOST=1532463872,1532462776][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'd say the best thing that has happened to me was posting videos on relevant Reddit pages where I knew they would get traction but also appreciated.

I'd say network with a few others and utilize the power of social media!
Thank you! I’ve never really used reddit before so how would I find these pages? Like what can I search for?
Learn and implement SEO so that a steady stream of viewers will search (and find) your videos every day.
As someone above mentioned.

Reddit - One of the best places to get new subscribers, it can be difficult if you're in a very particular niche but there's alway some subreddit most videos can fit in.

FaceBook - Search any groups related to your niche and post your videos.

Stumbleupon - A great website that will get you views and the off subscriber.

If you aren't get subscribers then ask yourself are you putting out the right videos for your audience, if people are watching your videos but aren't subscribing then you have to ask yourself, are you putting out content people want to see?

The very last thing is patience.... honestly, it's a long, hard, drawn out game this.

You're on this website, that's a start, now you just need to be consistent and patient.

Post videos daily, we all get burnt out, to prevent this make as many videos as you can in one sitting but schedule them to release on other days, aim to have one video per day if you can.

If you can't think of video ideas that's fine change your goal to having one really good quality video out per week.

Just hang in there, what you have to remember these big YouTuber's the one's who own channels you look up to or aspire to be, they all started out at 0. They all had a daily struggle to begin with, it's about patience and consistency, those who give up early on wont make it, those who stick in there and keep posting videos regardless will come out on top.

I post my videos because I am passionate about the topic I vlog about, I don't care about getting millions of subs, sure it would be nice but it's not my main goal.

Again, making money, would be nice but not my main goal. My main goal is to post videos that I'm passionate about.

If you love what you do and are passionate about it subs will come eventually.

It only takes one video to go viral or really make it before subs come rolling in. You just gotta stick in there and be patient.

Good luck and keep at it!
LITERALLY take their phones and open YouTube and subscribe to your channel FOR them

apologies, but this is a bad advice. He will be subbed by the the less watching persons and it is same as sub for sub from the aspect that they will not visit often or never again.

Furthermore, I wouldn't even imagine someone to be so desperate to have subscribers. If a friend of mine did this, I would reconsider the relationship.

Oh I also forgot to add one last big tip.

Comment on YouTube channels similar to yours, don't underesitimate the comments section.

Find popular YouTube channels in the same Niche as yours and include interesting, thoughtful comments that cotribute something to the channel, not just "check out my channel and sub to me please" as these will likely be deleted anyway.

Posting on channels similar to yours on a regular basis will undoubtedly get you the odd subscriber here and there.
apologies, but this is a bad advice. He will be subbed by the the less watching persons and it is same as sub for sub from the aspect that they will not visit often or never again.

Furthermore, I wouldn't even imagine someone to be so desperate to have subscribers. If a friend of mine did this, I would reconsider the relationship.

With all due respect, that’s probably why you have 19 subscribers after 5 months and I have 53,000 subscribers after a year. You gotta step up for yourself. No one else will. In fact, the original poster is gaining subs FASTER than YOU are, so it seems odd for you to be putting down anyone’s suggestions of help.

But in all seriousness, I’m not talking about doing this with people you are marginally connected to. But EVERYONE has a few dozen friends that you can say “DUDE, you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel yet? Get your d*mn phone out and let me show you how to subscribe!” I’m not talking about physically taking phones out of folks hands and forcing them to subscribe. Please use some basic common sense here.

The point of my comment was that if you have had a YouTube channel for several months and are still stuck at double-digit subscribers, you’re doing something wrong. LOTS of channels use a sub-4-sub model to get past the 100-sub mark so they can claim their unique channel ID and actually start REAL marketing using a brand name. I certainly did it. And once I got to 100 subs, I was able to do real marketing and get my subscriber base to over 50k in just over a year. This is a VERY common tactic, especially in commercial and corporate channels. It’s not a sustainable tactic and I would NEVER recommend it as a long term strategy. But in all honesty, do whatever it takes to get to 100 subs, claim your channel name and then implement all the other hundreds of ideas to drive traffic.
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