Hello guys!
I just wanted to write about a topic that I've been thinking about for a while.
So I've read a lot of threads, seen many videos and heard people talking about this for a while.
I'm talking about how gaming channels choose to compete against each other instead of helping.
I've spent a little while researching this, and it actually seems like this is a fact. Gaming channels are the ones that have the smallest interest in encouraging each other. Now that doesn't mean this is for EVERYONE of them, but it seems like this on average. Let's take vloggers; they often go to another vlogger and helps them; gives some tips, maybe reveil their faces somewhere else and subscribes; because well.. What is the point of vlogging to others, if you don't see what they vlog about?
As for gamers, it seems like they want it all for themselves. Now I understand if the average gaming channel has monotone commentary, boring gameplay and basically nothing that interest you; this is nothing you can like. However, you can still give some tips on how to improve and what not.
I've gotten feedback from other gamers, where they tell me stuff like: "I enjoy your videos, you seem happy and are funny", "you're a good gamer with good commentary" - but still doesn't come back for more, nor subscribe. I, in most cases subscribe to the people that I enjoy watching, and think those messages are just to get my attention, which makes me a bit sad.
My entire point of this topic, was to break through that instead of ignoring, competing and fighting; gamers should help each other grow! Collaborate more, reveil each other, follow each other and HELP!
I believe that this forum is ideally for connecting to other YouTubers, getting friends, viewers, subs or what ever in your likes; still I don't see this happening too much in the "gaming community" within YTTalk. It might be something I oversee, but I am sure someone have experienced the same!
Please give me your thoughts!