Come Show Off Your Videos!

I do gaming videos... usually Let's Plays are long...Dead house is like 5:32, and has a dog pooping at the end...I have my two crappy vlogs saying thank you to my subs and viewers and saying I would shave my head if I doubled my sub/view count lol... and the other asking for my viewers to recommend more games... nothing really under 5 minutes....

Awww well come in an party if you'd like :D :P haha we're just showing music videos and stuff now
It saddens me that I missed
'Specially since I came up with the idea Katherinejane001 I'm filing a law suit against you!

Omg you DID come up with this idea ahaha I'm sorry, don't sue me!!
*3 hours later*
So you're taking me to Judge Judy :/

In my defense....1: I forgot. And 2: This was the first thing I thought of, when I was first introduced to the site lmao :P
Omg you DID come up with this idea ahaha I'm sorry, don't sue me!!
*3 hours later*
So you're taking me to Judge Judy :/

In my defense....1: I forgot. And 2: This was the first thing I thought of, when I was first introduced to the site lmao :p
They don't keep me here because I'm gorgeous they keep me here because I'm smart mom likes Judge Judy...