(closed) Viva la vida vs. Sweet nothing? You decide!


Piano Madness
Hey, guys I know I've asked it before, but I'm going to upload a new cover this evening and I still didn't decided which one..
Viva la vida - coldplay
Sweet nothing - Calvin Harris
Plz, tell me your favorite and tell me WHY!!
Strange, last time I saw your thread so many people said sweet nothing lol, I love that song but Coldplay would make a better piano piece for obvious reasons
Strange, last time I saw your thread so many people said sweet nothing lol, I love that song but Coldplay would make a better piano piece for obvious reasons
Yeah indeed, well I think I'm just gonna go with sweet nothing and put Viva La Vida up next week, and it's indeed without any doubt better on the piano then sweetnothing.
But I can't keep the performance level so high all the time, I need to put some easy light tunes between the real epic piano pieces I guess
Yeah indeed, well I think I'm just gonna go with sweet nothing and put Viva La Vida up next week, and it's indeed without any doubt better on the piano then sweetnothing.
But I can't keep the performance level so high all the time, I need to put some easy light tunes between the real epic piano pieces I guess

well it'll be cool to see the result :)