No! Come back! *Rumba's after you*
I got this visual of you with a rose in your mouth floating tip toed toward me as I'm leaping away like a deer. It looked less creepy in my head then it sounded typed out. But not ALOT less creepy...
You stepped in the wrong Rumba-hood playa!
Hello everyone!

So a few weeks ago I posted a video asking for dares and questions to make a Q&A video and a dare video. I have a good amount of dares already, but I only have 5 questions :[

If you guys could send me some questions I will feature your name in my video and answer my question! PLEASE HELP ME!

Also, what would be a fun way to make my video?
EXAMPLE: HeyThere005 made her video while sucking on helium balloons, it was really funny and great to watch. I want to do something like that but I have no ideas!

Thanks in advance!

What's your most favorite/happiest memory you can remember????
it just dawned on my victor, if we keep this up she's gonna have pages of our shenanigans to wade through to get to her questions, let's not do that to the poor girl *rumba's on outta here like a pimp*
QUESTION! If you could go back to kindergarten, knowing what you know now, but u have to go back in time into a kindergarteners body and go through school ALLLL over again.. would you do it?? I WOULD! lol , talk while u hold ur cheeks together like a fishY!