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So we meet again. *dundundun* :cool:

Seriously though, you're probably going to design my wedding invitations. :giggle: If it's not a problem, an outro picture would be awesome & seeing as you know a bit of my style, I'm hoping it can be easier.

The font can be the same that you used for the South African Youtubers banner and the colours can be the same ones that you used on my Youtube banner.
Basically, the outro picture should be the same as the banner - same pictures and just one box in the middle(for a video)
Can I get a banner that says "The Help Us Donate Foundation" with a link to and as a Facebook page link. Color scheme can be anything you think looks nice. If it could have this picture, it would be great, but it is not necessary.


Much thanks in advance!
Avatar: (Font, Colour(s), Extra Information.) Any cool techno like font :) Colors blue and white! maybe make it an S?
Channel Art: (Font, Colour(s), Images, Social Links, Extra Information.) Techno font, Twitter and twitch links, blues and whites saying Sobrin Games Commentaries, Tutorials and more
Outro Image: (Font, Colour(s), Images, Social Links, Boxes For Videos, Extra Information.) Blue, same font, 2 video boxes, have it say sobrin games and Next Video and previous Video, Twitter and twitch links!

If this is to much just do the channel art please! Thanks so much for this ;D
Outro Image: (Font, Colour(s), Images, Social Links, Boxes For Videos, Extra Information.) Font is Bebas Neue ( it is on I would like it to be Black and red. I would like to have a facebook and a twitter link. I would like to have 2 boxes for the videos saying previous and next video. I would also it to say to drop a like.
Channel Art: (No text needed , Color: Blue, Place this image on the right hand side of the banner ,link for twitter @TitusArd and Twitch TitusArdronicus ,for the background all i want is some "artistic flair" I.e nothing major just not a plain blue background)
What I have in mind is similar to a channel called MrGibbspoweron
Titus face.jpg

Avatar: (Font:TWH in clean font similar to example, Color(s): Purple and Green, Extra Information: TWH written on a top hat( regular black))
Channel Art:
(Font: TWH written in something clean like example, Color(s): Purple an Green, Extra Information: I would like the initials TWH written in purple and green on a top hat(regular black) with a purple and green background with more scattered hats that goes well with the rest)
Outro Image: (Clean font like in example, Color(s): Purple and Green, Images:A picture of a Grunt from Amnesia wearing a top hat(only if possible(probably not)), Boxes For Videos: Space for 1 video, Extra Information: A message saying Remember To Put On A Hat)
Thanks a ton!!!!
Free YouTube Graphics For Your Channel Until 10th October.
Hi all, I'm offering free Avatars, Channel Arts, Outros, Thumbnails etc. for the next two weeks.
The main reason for this is because I really need to establish a more populated Portfolio, as I'm a Freelance Artist and I've recently gotten Clients through YouTube, and I need a better portfolio for doing it!

So, if you're interested, please fill out a Thread Reply like this:
Avatar: (Font, Colour(s), Extra Information.)
Channel Art: (Font, Colour(s), Images, Social Links, Extra Information.)
Thumbnail: (Font, Colour(s), Images, Extra Information.)
Outro Image: (Font, Colour(s), Images, Social Links, Boxes For Videos, Extra Information.)

You can also contact me via. Skype or Email if you wish:
Skype: ryanmcchrystal

Here's some examples of my previous work:

View attachment 12666
View attachment 12664 View attachment 12665
Outro Image? Pretty Please? :D <3 Font: Cartoony. Colors: Red And Black. Images:Something to do with gaming. Social Links: Twitter Facebook @Keranthis5 2 Boxes for Videos. Say Thank You For Watching.
Hi Masuoka101, no problem! Give me until 10PM and I should have your Channel Art done, then I'll have your Outro done tomorrow :)[DOUBLEPOST=1380053055,1380052997][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey Styxie, absolutely I'll do that for you! I'll try and get it done tonight, but the first reply comes first, sort of like a waiting list.
I'll be happy to work for you![DOUBLEPOST=1380053909][/DOUBLEPOST]
What do you think? :)
No rush and thanks :)
Free YouTube Graphics For Your Channel Until 10th October.
Hi all, I'm offering free Avatars, Channel Arts, Outros, Thumbnails etc. for the next two weeks.
The main reason for this is because I really need to establish a more populated Portfolio, as I'm a Freelance Artist and I've recently gotten Clients through YouTube, and I need a better portfolio for doing it!

So, if you're interested, please fill out a Thread Reply like this:
Avatar: (Font, Colour(s), Extra Information.)
Channel Art: (Font, Colour(s), Images, Social Links, Extra Information.)
Thumbnail: (Font, Colour(s), Images, Extra Information.)
Outro Image: (Font, Colour(s), Images, Social Links, Boxes For Videos, Extra Information.)
Avatar: Font: Slant (I have a logo that I made a while ago. If you want it I could send it to you.); Colors: Red/Black; Extra Info: Get creative and go crazy!
Channel Art: Font: Bebas Neue or any other nice, modern font :D; Colors: Red/Black or just red. If you could make a cool design for it kinda like Masuoka101's but not exactly like his that would be awesome!; Extra Info: Again, go crazy with it! :D

Thanks for this man! Really appreciate what you're doing! Keep up the awesome work and can't wait to see what you make! :dance: