Channels you tend to avoid

I usually avoid gaming channels just because I don't really care about video games at all. Also, daily vlogging just doesn't interest me at all. Unless you have a separate channel where you do regular vlogs or music, skits or something like that where I would care what's going on in your personal life then I might be interested in daily vlogs but if that's all you do...I'm just usually not interested.
As a general rule I avoid channels that make videos that feel like the first and only take. To delve into the genres that frequently suffer from this epidemic I'll touch on Gamers and Beauty Vlogs.
YouTube told us that we had to watch more videos to gain traffic, so for our first six months we watched everything. Then a funny thing happened. I --and I'll use that voice now, leaving the we to them and taking on the responsibility of me; I found myself hating video game channels. It's not the people, those people are fine. It's the volume. More so it's the free marketing for multinational corporations bleeding over into what was once a realm for independent producers to share videos. So unless you're doing stand-up and you can't survive without props, really expensive SOPA/PIPA firing squadable props-- then a walkthrough channel is nothing more than a Vlog that I can't even fully relate to, because I just found myself transported to my ******** friend's house, you know that one that doesn't stop playing their console when they've got company.
I find it a little creepy to watch more than 15 seconds of a make-up tutorial, though I've found some entertaining acts in the genre, I always hear my mother telling me that a lady doesn't apply make-up outside of the house. But now since everything is twitter worthy and we watch the world through LCD viewfinders, I suppose it's nice to meet people that wear make-up. If you're not telling a story or planning for an experience that involves the make-up, especially those videos that are MOS or have only Music playing over the montage-- you may as well make a video of you brushing your teeth. Because it'll gain the same viewership, for grossly the same reasons. You heard me, grossly.
Unboxings, ReplyGirls (Say something more than "I watched this") , Popular Sketch Covers (Your friends reenact the Lonely Island but change the words to "I'm on a Lifeboat" and can only afford Lil' John where clearly it should've been T-Pain.) Comedian "Parodies" (Dane Cook doing Louis C.K.), Cover Songs without new musical accompaniment (follow the bouncing ball), top 40 song lyric videos (Why don't I upload a "Subtitle Films" and make money off of other's work) and finally unedited videogame talk and walkthroughs (30 minutes or less or the Pizza's Free)

These are a few of my least favorite things, but what I do enjoy is the liberty to publish nearly anything and the potential to find an audience. Just because six months of filtering through the every growing database has left me with these opinions, doesn't mean that the videos that an individual makes are of a lower quality than ours. I just fight for the independent narrative filmmakers, especially comedians, which are a minority on the platform named You.
what about channels like mine, games, vlogs, reviews, and uploads every other day ish ? seems resonable to me but now im worried im never going to get anywhere seeing this
what about channels like mine, games, vlogs, reviews, and uploads every other day ish ? seems resonable to me but now im worried im never going to get anywhere seeing this

I think they were referring more to people who spam 5 episodes of a "lets play" every day and don't put any effort into editing or thinking of stuff to talk about prior to recording.

That and the fact that people who don't like games don't watch gaming videos - big surprise, right? :P
what about channels like mine, games, vlogs, reviews, and uploads every other day ish ? seems resonable to me but now im worried im never going to get anywhere seeing this

You have to make videos that people enjoy watching. I'm not saying that you have to completely change the way you do things. There is an audience for what you're doing. There are a lot of people who enjoy gaming channels. I tend to do things that interest me. If someone enjoys it, cool. If not, thats cool too. My humor isn't for everyone, and no one channel is for everyone. (which is another reason why I hate RWJ)[DOUBLEPOST=1343261686][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think they were referring more to people who spam 5 episodes of a "lets play" every day and don't put any effort into editing or thinking of stuff to talk about prior to recording.

Exactly. If you're playing something I like, I will actively seek out your channel. But if I sign into YouTube and there are 26 videos from one guy, chances are I'm not going to watch them all. So why even subscribe to that?
As a general rule I avoid channels that make videos that feel like the first and only take. To delve into the genres that frequently suffer from this epidemic I'll touch on Gamers and Beauty Vlogs.
YouTube told us that we had to watch more videos to gain traffic, so for our first six months we watched everything. Then a funny thing happened. I --and I'll use that voice now, leaving the we to them and taking on the responsibility of me; I found myself hating video game channels. It's not the people, those people are fine. It's the volume. More so it's the free marketing for multinational corporations bleeding over into what was once a realm for independent producers to share videos. So unless you're doing stand-up and you can't survive without props, really expensive SOPA/PIPA firing squadable props-- then a walkthrough channel is nothing more than a Vlog that I can't even fully relate to, because I just found myself transported to my ******** friend's house, you know that one that doesn't stop playing their console when they've got company.
I find it a little creepy to watch more than 15 seconds of a make-up tutorial, though I've found some entertaining acts in the genre, I always hear my mother telling me that a lady doesn't apply make-up outside of the house. But now since everything is twitter worthy and we watch the world through LCD viewfinders, I suppose it's nice to meet people that wear make-up. If you're not telling a story or planning for an experience that involves the make-up, especially those videos that are MOS or have only Music playing over the montage-- you may as well make a video of you brushing your teeth. Because it'll gain the same viewership, for grossly the same reasons. You heard me, grossly.
Unboxings, ReplyGirls (Say something more than "I watched this") , Popular Sketch Covers (Your friends reenact the Lonely Island but change the words to "I'm on a Lifeboat" and can only afford Lil' John where clearly it should've been T-Pain.) Comedian "Parodies" (Dane Cook doing Louis C.K.), Cover Songs without new musical accompaniment (follow the bouncing ball), top 40 song lyric videos (Why don't I upload a "Subtitle Films" and make money off of other's work) and finally unedited videogame talk and walkthroughs (30 minutes or less or the Pizza's Free)

These are a few of my least favorite things, but what I do enjoy is the liberty to publish nearly anything and the potential to find an audience. Just because six months of filtering through the every growing database has left me with these opinions, doesn't mean that the videos that an individual makes are of a lower quality than ours. I just fight for the independent narrative filmmakers, especially comedians, which are a minority on the platform named You.

Today is honesty Wednesday, so I am going to be honest. I am caught between 2 responses here and I am not sure which one is more appealing. At first I thought a clever response would be, "well that about sums up the9one8's future plans; back to the drawing board" but then I thought I would say, "^^^ yeah, what that guy said".

It's pretty embarrassing not knowing which joke to deliver.

Seriously though, I couldn't agree more with everything Guerrilla Day Project said.:up:
I tend to ignore vloggers. I'm just not interested in their life. I also tend to ignore make-up and fashion stuff. Yes, I'm a girl, but I know how to dress myself.
I tend to ignore vloggers. I'm just not interested in their life. I also tend to ignore make-up and fashion stuff. Yes, I'm a girl, but I know how to dress myself.

LMAO!!! That made my whole night. That was great. I really don't see how makeup tutorials are even popular.
what about channels like mine, games, vlogs, reviews, and uploads every other day ish ? seems resonable to me but now im worried im never going to get anywhere seeing this
Don't let content conversations discourage you. It's only a question of craft. If you are planning your videos, watching your productions as they unfold, layering the comedy through revision, and presenting to the audience an edited (or masterful fluid) take that you can enjoy as you watch it in its final form-- then the content is not a grounds to throw out the program. After all we are a culture of response. There is no such thing as original thought, but the curtousey to the audience (which has been eroded by years of washing over with performances through media of unrefined grades) You must appreciate that your viewer has seen thousands of flickering images before yours, and treat what you make as such. You are as they say, only as good as your last work. You have to make the media that you want to see in the world, not media that you feel will gain easy viewership (Which by the way, there is no such viewership).[DOUBLEPOST=1343278314][/DOUBLEPOST]
You have to make videos that people enjoy watching.

If you're playing something I like, I will actively seek out your channel.

Tent-poling is a strategy that everyone should participate in to some degree. To ignore the ebbs and flows of the YouTube Community is to isolate your channel to Lonely Island, and Lorne Michaels already picked them the first time-- so in this newTube producers have to navigate with savvy, and find good cross breezes to pick up traffic. Most of our videos gain trickling in views, unless we make a great effort to get in touch with trends. Yelch.