Channels you tend to avoid

Patrick Harris

You see what I did there?
I know the point of this place (and others like it) is to help us promote our channels better and increase our views, but lets be honest, there are just some channels that most of us avoid. Its not that the channel isn't good, or it isn't well done, but some channels just don't interest us.

Personally, I do not like makeup tutorials at all. Sure some of the women who do them are very pretty, but as a guy, what use do I have for that. Secondly, while I do enjoy games, I tend to stay away from gaming channels. I do enjoy watching walkthroughs, but not so much that I'd want to subscribe to the channel and have my sub box filled with videos about games I have no interest in. For the same reason, I usually don't subscribe to daily vloggers. Not that it isn't well put together, but a video from someone EVERYDAY would be overkill, and it just fills my sub box up. I'll feel overwhelmed and end up not even watching any of them. Also, this may sound bad, but I try to steer clear of the BIG YouTubers. If you have 100,000 subs, you don't really need my support. More importantly, you won't really feel inclined to support me in return.

At the end of the day, I like anything on YouTube thats funny. If you make me laugh, or even get a smile out of me, you're doing something right. Even for those who I don't subscribe to, places like this are great because I can be made aware of channels like that and support you in other ways; like liking your Facebook page, Twitter or Tumblr. Or, if nothing else, just taking a moment to comment on one of your videos that interest me.

What sort of videos do YOU avoid on YouTube?
I tend to avoid certain gaming channels, like tobygames simply because he uploads around 5-6 vids a day and it does fill my home page lol but gaming channels i do subscribe to i sub because i like the person more than the games they're playing :P
I tend to avoid certain gaming channels, like tobygames simply because he uploads around 5-6 vids a day and it does fill my home page lol but gaming channels i do subscribe to i sub because i like the person more than the games they're playing :p

touche! I do enjoy watching some of them, but I don't know if I'd want to commit to one channel.
im not into video games, so i dont ever watch any gaming videos. just not my thing. and i dont like comedy that isnt actually funny, obviously. i think i could only get into a vlog if im already interested in watching that persons videos, so theyd have to do something else besides just vlog. and im not interested in seeing peoples children.
I usually never judge a channel till I've watched a video, - or some of a video.

I see it as the channel has to market to me, and if the video I stumble across isn't of interest to me, I'll know to avoid it in future - if it is I'd browse their videos and then consider subscribing.

More specifically if I see a self proclaimed gaming channel that just has call of duty on it, I won't even watch a video, I'd click off and sit in shame that I wasted the 1-3 seconds of my life on the channel.

.. that's just me though.
I avoid gaming the most but if its someone who does other stuff too I will sit and watch their gaming videos as they can be entertaining. I think I only enjoy gaming videos when I like the person doing them or where they're funny in some way. I dont really watch daily vlogs, I do now and then but they're not what I find entertaining but there is an audience out there for them. I avoid channels where the videos are laggy with really low FPS, I just find it hard to watch.
I don't really consider it judging channels, its just a matter of what interests me. I don't get into many gaming channels.

im not interested in seeing peoples children.

I was all ready to agree with you, but I DO enjoy pregnancy journey videos. I love to watch and share in the experience.
As a gaming content creator, I can totally see where you guys are coming from when you say you're not that into gaming channels. I play an MMO so I just stick to channels dedicated to that game and general comedy channels like collegehumor, but other gaming channels I just can't be arsed with, for the reasons listed above (i.e. spamming 5-6 vids a day, uninteresting to my tastes etc).

I tend to avoid people who just vlog and don't do anything else because I generally just don't really care about what they're doing. I also avoid sports related channels just because I'm not really interested in sports.

In the end it generally just comes down to what you are/aren't interested in.
. I also avoid sports related channels just because I'm not really interested in sports.

That is another type of channel I avoid just as much as the rest I mentioned before along with makeup stuff but I think that is the same for the majority of guys, its like girls avoiding golf videos or something.
I don't really consider it judging channels, its just a matter of what interests me. I don't get into many gaming channels.

I was all ready to agree with you, but I DO enjoy pregnancy journey videos. I love to watch and share in the experience.

ah pregnancy videos. thats one of those things that, id have to be already watching your videos and if you happen to get pregnant, ill watch your pregnancy videos too, because im keeping up with the whole story. but i wouldnt seek out a pregnancy video of someone ive never heard of.[DOUBLEPOST=1343258805][/DOUBLEPOST]
That is another type of channel I avoid just as much as the rest I mentioned before along with makeup stuff but I think that is the same for the majority of guys, its like girls avoiding golf videos or something.
i agree, a lot of types of videos are targeted to either male of female audiences. i do fashion/beauty videos and my subscribers are about 70% female, 30% male. i expected to get more female than male viewers. so its not surprising to me when i hear guys say theyre not into makeup. most guys arent. and i wouldnt take it personally if someone just isnt into makeup or fashion. im not into sports or video games, and thats nothing personal against the people who do it. its just not my kinda thing.