Channel Username vs. Real Name

I think usernames are cool and creative, says the girl whose username is really simple and not very creative at all. :rolleyes: I personally don't want my last name on YouTube (though for some reason I'm okay with it on Instagram soooo....). I feel like daily vloggers can get away with just using their name on YouTube rather than a channel name whereas other channels look better using a catchy username.
I feel like daily vloggers can get away with just using their name on YouTube rather than a channel name whereas other channels look better using a catchy username.

I believe the same thing. I use my real name because it's more personal and that's what I want with my audience, to have a personal connection.
I find that usernames are really good for company's or Youtube channels with multiple people.
If you manage to establish a strong brand with your own name, it will follow you everywhere. On the otherhand, if you screw up your brand image it will also follow you.
My "real name" is a ridiculously common name. When I type it into Google, I get this many results..
About 26,600,000 results (0.42 seconds)

So... I made up a much more searchable stage name by tweaking a few of the letters in my last name. Even though my real name is not very searchable, I prefer to have YouTube separate from my real life because I'm trying to build a completely different career in the technical world. If you have a searchable name, and you don't mind your Internet life being tied to your real life, then I think it's fine to use it. The more obvious "fake names" are good if they don't contain a bunch of numbers or unnecessary characters, but they need to be catchy and easy to remember.

I'd also imagine that it's easier to sell a website if it does not use a real name. That might not come up, but it's something to consider!
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I personally use my pen-name that I've had for a decade. I think it's good to have whatever you call yourself somewhere in the username. Easier to remember by subs compared to a silly username (ex. Happy Unicorns) and your name (Hi! I'm Steve!). People will remember Steve better than Happy Unicorns so maybe 'Steve's Unicorns' would be better.
I prefer a mixture if I think that's where I'm coming from. For instsnace my channel name is ItsSeamHere. It has my first name in it but with extra :D
I didn't use my real name instead, I used a nickname given to me by my friends years and years ago!
I think unless you are doing a beauty channel or something along those lines then you need to go with a fake username
I personally use a username. A lot of people do this, to protect their identities online and I think there´s more of a sense of freedom with this. Another thing is, I don´t know why but the yt community expects you to have a username. Everytime I see someone who uses their realname in yt I don´t know why, but I tend to think it´s less professional.