According to the channel message:
it was not an issue with the compilation videos itself. The issue was that you were using someone else work without their consent and they filled multiple DMCA notices (from one or several copyright holders). If you make compilations and you have permissions, you can dispute the claims or ask the copyright holders to retract their claims. If you don't, there is not much else you can do, except try to negotiate a deal with copyright holders. All in all, a tough situation. You can try to ask
@Idec Sdawkminn for help - he has lot of experience dealing with copyright holders and restoring his channel.[DOUBLEPOST=1529897514,1529897263][/DOUBLEPOST]
In this particular case it's not YouTube cracking down on duplicate content. It was copyright holders filling in DMCA takedown notices to protect their properties. I don't know if it is a trend or something to do with the new EU laws, but recently user generated content websites are getting more and more strict on copyright and copyright holders are more and more defending their content.