Channel name Ideas?

But Vlog Titles will include Far From Home

Don't have much to add in the terms of choosing a name, since it is a personal decision, but I just wanted to comment on this. If you include the name of a series in your title, make sure you put it on the END. Why? Because YT only shows the first part of your title when in mobile or for thumbnails.

So if your title is "Far from Home - Having a crazy adventure with squirrels!", the audience will only see "Far from Home - Having a". Not exactly a catching title. So instead do it the other way around: "Having a crazy adventure with squirrels! - Far from Home". Or only abbreviate it, maybe adding FFH Ep 1 to the end and put everything in a playlist named Far from Home.

I personally have playlists titled 'Dutchie in England' and 'Dutchie in New Zealand', with all my vlogs from that country in it, so if people like seeing vlogs about a particular country they can easily find them.

Good luck with your channel!
Don't have much to add in the terms of choosing a name, since it is a personal decision, but I just wanted to comment on this. If you include the name of a series in your title, make sure you put it on the END. Why? Because YT only shows the first part of your title when in mobile or for thumbnails.

So if your title is "Far from Home - Having a crazy adventure with squirrels!", the audience will only see "Far from Home - Having a". Not exactly a catching title. So instead do it the other way around: "Having a crazy adventure with squirrels! - Far from Home". Or only abbreviate it, maybe adding FFH Ep 1 to the end and put everything in a playlist named Far from Home.

I personally have playlists titled 'Dutchie in England' and 'Dutchie in New Zealand', with all my vlogs from that country in it, so if people like seeing vlogs about a particular country they can easily find them.

Good luck with your channel!
I see where you're coming from on the titles of videos themselves so I'll definitely do that. And I totally forgot you can create playlists on YouTube lol may just go that route.

I greatly appreciate your thoughts :)
Your channel name can be anything you want. If you do gaming videos, then make a name about that! If you have a gamertag, use that if it's not taken on YouTube. If you have a nickname, use that!

You shouldn't think about it too much - you can change your name at any time! Popular UK YouTuber KSI changed his channel name from KSIOlajideBTHD to JJ Olatunji. Don't be worried that you have to stick to a name completely when you start a channel, mine is about my favourite film and the nickname people call me at work!

have fun with it - good luck with your channel!