Channel Name Ideas? (DESPERATE! SOS!)

That's what I though might happen, but weeks later I still have no idea.
Everything I come up with is unavailable D:

You'll figure it out I randomly came up with my name in a car out of no where. I got lucky and the branding was just super easy.

If you can, please, please, help me.
Any ideas or suggestions would be really appreciated! :)
...think of a channel name?

As stated in a previous thread, I have been trying to think of a channel name for weeks,
yet have not found one that I both like, and that is available.

What do I do if I seriously can't think of one?
Do I hold off making videos until someday I just do?
Do I give up all my youtube hopes and dreams all together?
Do I pick a random name I don't like really like, just to get on with it? (Eg. TheoVlogz)
Not really. They're asking two different questions.
And anyway, no one replies to a topic like this with 12 replies.
But okay.
I've merged the 2 threads - This doesn't warrant a new thread since it's exactly the same topic. :)