Channel banner image


What do you all think about including text in the banner image? I've been debating it because
1) I'm afraid it may not look great on mobile
2) it could limit international viewers

I've seen both be effective, so I'm wondering what this group thinks.

Thanks in advance
I would just say make the text large enough to read on a mobile phone. We often design on our computer, but most youtube view come from mobile. If you are worried about it not looking good, test it and make sure it looks to your standard.
Also make sure you keep the text in the center area since the edges get cut out as the screen size shrinks.

Alot of youtuber have an arrow on the right side of their banner saying subscriber but many times on mobile that doesn't even show up.

Those are my thoughts - Hope that helps

I don't recall ever having gone to a channels page on my mobile, I usually watch videos from my notifications (subscriptions) and YT recommendations.
I usually watch videos from my notifications (subscriptions) and YT recommendations.

I'm subscribed to Phil Defranco and youtube regularly doesn't recommend his video and doesn't push his videos to his subscribers because he talks about news which is "not advertiser-friendly".
I've got into the habit of just checking on the channels I care about especially those I know have a regular upload schedule.

It's known that youtube doesn't actually push notifications to all of your subscribers even if they ring the bell icon. (plus I don't ring the bell for most channels)
it's 1 metric for you to tell youtube you want to actually see the content... but at the end of the day, the algorithms doesn't trust the users because google thinks it knows best.
and it's in the algorithm's (google) best interest to show you what it thinks you most likely want to watch

for example, you subscribed to your friend's channel because he's your friend and in reality, you really don't care to see any of their content.
If youtube keeps showing you their content, it might push you off the site, so after seeing you skip 2 or 3 of his videos youtube lessens the weight of you click
and after like skipping 10 of his videos, you may never see it again unless it starts trending with his other subscribers.

the bell should always go off unless if it's a "nonfamily friendly channel" and then youtube might suppress it the same way. What is non family friendly? The news. Certain games.