Change name or make new account


Hello, i ve got an account in youtube. My nickname is Lukas19071986, i need to rename it to or just make an new account to the same email adress, but i cannot. Could you pls help me out of this? It s really important to me. Thank you very much indeed Lukas
Well, can you help me how to change name, or however i should name it...
youtube has been asking people wether they want to use a real name or a nickname i would advise using a nickname and google restricts the number of accounts that can be opened under the same information that was used to make a previous account. How long have you had the account opened for?
just a note at the moment i know you can't make a random username but if they give you the option to switch over you can proceed in doing just that:)
Since you don't have any uploads, I would just make a new channel. I believe you need to use a different email for the new account.
Hey guys, the reason to change name is i need to use name, because it s name of my internet shop and i would like to post some videos about internet shop. My account ve bin opened 2 or 3 years ago. Any idea to help?
Close the Youtube account. Once it's closed, you can create another channel with the name you want with the same email address you used.