Can this Get me a Copyright Strike?


I've Got It
So for my videos I use a layout, which you can see in my signature I get the designs I use from advanced Google Search Images, I always use the "usage right: Labled for Reuse" I was wondering If I used a background that was labled not filtered by License, could that get me in trouble/ A Copyright Strike?
So for my videos I use a layout, which you can see in my signature I get the designs I use from advanced Google Search Images, I always use the "usage right: Labled for Reuse" I was wondering If I used a background that was labled not filtered by License, could that get me in trouble/ A Copyright Strike?

While it isn't technically legal, loads of people use any pictures they find on Google Images whether it is copyrighted or not. I think that if the image is of something general like the apple logo or something then no one can really complain as it isn't really their image in the first place.
I have yet to see someone on here get a Copyright Strike or Matched 3rd Party from using Images, so I wouldn't worry, though if you want to stay on the safe side don't use them. ;)