Can somebody please


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Is somebody able to make me a video introduction. I hate asking but this is something I really need and don't have the skills to make. What I am looking for is a video which last for maybe 10 seconds which starts up CorruptDairy and integrated into it somehow. I would like for the text color to be #76aa1a as this blends in with my channel. I'm not really fussy about what else happens. Thank you for this.
Ok. This took me about an hour but its not the best :D.

Let Me know what you think :). Be harsh. If you want it changing let me know.​
It looks great and I really like it, good work there. I read it as "diary" myself even though I have seen it multiple times over the past few days.
haha thanks Mike :D. Yeah I must have skimmed over that like 5 times :p. I'll have it re-edited, rendered and re-uploaded for him either tonight or tomorrow morning