Gaming Calling ALL Mindcrack Fans & People looking for a new server

- IGN: Phantom002
- Enjoy Minecraft a lot, and looking to do collaborations
- I've played Minecraft for a long time, and am very experienced with all aspects, including Modpacks.
- 18
- Skype: <removed>
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- IGN: SpastikMuffin
- I've watched Mindcrack for a while now (ever since Etho joined) and it's my favorite series on youtube right now. Everyday, I look for a Mindcrack-like server to play on, and everytime it's disorganized and just plain terrible. I want to join to record with a nice community and just have fun! :)
- I've played Minecraft since alpha, in and out, but recently I started playing it all the time! I'm an amateur at redstone and building, and pvp I guess (I'm okay) but I am co-operative and eager to play and record with a new community like the mindcrack.
- 14
- Skype: samuel.park25
*BTW: are you allowed optifine? Like my computer is crappy, so I kind of need it....*
>In Game Name Majorduckage
>why you want to join Im a HUGE fan of mindcrack and want to be with a friendly community
>Your skills Im a pretty good builder, but bad at redstone
>your age 13
>your skype or email skype=Christopher.Beam 4