Buying YouTube views

Michael, they're also offering likes and comments. For example, 100 likes or 100 comments cost 75$.

The thing is though most people dont buy those, well its normally likes if they do, I aint ever seen or at least I havent noticed a video that has had comments bought, it makes me wonder how they actually deliver those.
The thing is though most people dont buy those, well its normally likes if they do, I aint ever seen or at least I havent noticed a video that has had comments bought, it makes me wonder how they actually deliver those.

I think I am going to start selling comments. $1.00/comment. I could quit my day job if I get enough interested clients. Maybe I'll make them feel good comments too. I can discuss how amazing the video is. However, I will not comment more than one sentence. I'm not looking to go broke here. Ha ha ha!:devil:
I think I am going to start selling comments. $1.00/comment. I could quit my day job if I get enough interested clients. Maybe I'll make them feel good comments too. I can discuss how amazing the video is. However, I will not comment more than one sentence. I'm not looking to go broke here. Ha ha ha!:devil:
ahaha, that seems to be the way to go!

but seriously though, this whole fake crap is really disgusting. it takes away from recognizing the true hard workers of youtube, and it's frankly a waste of money.
Today I bumped on the site

I watched the video and explored whole site and just couldn't believe my eyes. What the hell is wrong with these people!?

YouTube views show how much your video is interesting and it's something you shouldn't play with. Every single video of mine was fairly watched and I have never used stuff like this and use of this is pathetic. You actually want to pay someone to watch/rate/comment your videos. Isn't that sad?

There is price for 5000 views (99$) and so on.

I'd rather have only 10 views and to know that someone actually watched it and liked/disliked it rather than this.

And how did I bump on this site? Well, there's an artist who recently released a crappy song which suddenly got million views within a day! Then people started discussing how is the artist buying YouTube views and I didn't want to believe that it's possible (especially since few months ago they have fixed something about view-counting where refreshing the video isn't enough anymore) and now I see this.

What is your opinion about this? If you ask me, this is disgusting. You can't compare a video of 3 million views which was made in a fair way (the person did it's best to make it) and a video with same views of a person who has money to spend and buy some views and praise himself to everyone how much are his videos watched. Yuck!

I can see why you would be disgusted with these types of services as it is false BUT I have used one of these services and let me explain why. It's hard to get noticed on the big wide world of youtube unless you get lucky and your video goes viral or something and my promotion efforts didn't do much. I bought video views solely for 'social proof' as the more views a video has the more likely other people are to take a look, if they see a video with only a few views most people don't even bother to check it for themselves so you never get anywhere. I simply bought the views as a one off, to boost my social standing and ranking and then see if people were interested. And it worked because people did start watching AND they liked my video. My video never changed, it was always the same but when it had a low amount of views no one was interested, soon as it had a few thousand people took notice. It's maybe not ethical but it was necessary in my case. I wouldn't pay $99 though, I used a cheap service and it worked fine. It's all the same I think. The company I used was social media guru and it was only $15 for 6,000 views but they actually delivered over 15,000 which was nice. Not sure if the views are real people or not but it certainly brought in real fans afterwards and helped me get some popularity and I'm more than happy with that.
Say what you will, but it's immoral and unethical. That's exactly why YouTube became crappy these days. It's all about subscribers, views, money, but everyone forgot about the idea of YouTube - to express yourself, to show your talent/s to people. It's not all about being a partner and making money. Where is the soul in all that? Imagine if everyone start using that. Every single video to start with 5000 views? People soon won't see a difference between that and a video with no views. I understand that you need to find a way to be unique and attract the audience to watch you, but that's not the way. It starts by thinking of creative idea, nice editing and so on. First you show video to friends, then if they like it put it on their facebook wall and someone else will see it and the chain continues. It's the hard way, but it's the fair way. But I appreciate your honesty since you're the only one who had the guts to confess. :)
I didn't buy the fans so I could become a partner and make money from them, not at all. I just wanted more exposure to my video and I was prepared to do what I had to get it. My video is creative, edited well etc but I still wasn't getting views. Now I do. It was the easy way to get what I wanted but I don't think it's an unfair way to do things. It's a dog eat dog world out there. :D
Say what you will, but it's immoral and unethical. That's exactly why YouTube became crappy these days. It's all about subscribers, views, money, but everyone forgot about the idea of YouTube - to express yourself, to show your talent/s to people. It's not all about being a partner and making money. Where is the soul in all that? Imagine if everyone start using that. Every single video to start with 5000 views? People soon won't see a difference between that and a video with no views. I understand that you need to find a way to be unique and attract the audience to watch you, but that's not the way. It starts by thinking of creative idea, nice editing and so on. First you show video to friends, then if they like it put it on their facebook wall and someone else will see it and the chain continues. It's the hard way, but it's the fair way. But I appreciate your honesty since you're the only one who had the guts to confess. :)

Indeed I agree with pekkyyy. I never have used any of those sites, and look at my channels. I just like to make videos of games I play. Love to share the games (I do classics and not know games mostly). The most thing I love on youtube are comments from users about how they love the game back in the days, their experiences with the games when they were young, and there is no money that can buy those stories, and the partnership is just a crown on my work. For some reason people like the videos and share them with friends. No one of my family/friends knows my youtube channel and most views are from US and UK while I live in The Netherlands. And many videos don't have that many views but I really love how people share my videos without asking them for it.

The only problem I have with it is that I don't have real fans. I do giveaways but everytime I see other youtubers. I would love to have some awesome real fans, but I still prefer people who leave awesome comments that make me laugh and aren't like "First" or "Nice" only.

And that's why I never would buy views. I rather trade in my partnership and have real views and no views on my videos than have fake views.
Its very disappointing seeing people cheating there way in to the top, But one day Karma will hit them... one day... for an example theres was this youtuber ***** name LifeInATent he use view bots but youtube caught up to him and suspended his account.

so don't worry, "Karma will save the day." :P