Bullying Documentary

Could you clarify what verbal bullying would be?

As far as cyberbullying goes, I haven't had any sensitive information stolen online, so I don't think that qualifies for me.
Verbal is anything said by mouth. Cyber bullying is anything mean said to you online. Such as hate on videos, rude things or posts on Facebook, ect.[DOUBLEPOST=1369674503,1369674479][/DOUBLEPOST]
i know :( Now i'm a tech reviewer & i make a good sum of money lol :)
that's great! god for you!
I think this is the third project I've seen proposed for an anti-bullying campaign. I was involved with one of them and a few of us provided a clip for it.

When you use the word documentary though, are you looking for a specific direction or message to be said? Or are you just chaining together a bunch of testimonials? Seems a little open ended and you might get 30 minutes worth of details or 30 seconds of "Stop Bullying".
So, hate speech? Ethnic and racial slurs, you mean?
Well I got verbally abused by some white girl who had brown hair so their manner of insulting me was to say really loud: YELLOW HAIR YELLOW HAIR.
Or stuff like: Look at her shoes, they are so ugly.
Or: **** **** ***** ..etc..etc.[DOUBLEPOST=1369678357,1369678295][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'd love it if you could take part! What is your e-mail?[DOUBLEPOST=1369674087,1369674032][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'd love it if you could take part in the documentary, and maybe say something like what you said above?[DOUBLEPOST=1369674134][/DOUBLEPOST]
Right... Would you be interested in talking about that maybe in the documentary?[DOUBLEPOST=1369674181][/DOUBLEPOST]
It doesn't have to be physical, it could be verbal, or cyberbullying as well.[DOUBLEPOST=1369674230][/DOUBLEPOST]
You did get lucky! Some people aren't though... thats who this is for :)
and you could add me on skype: powerpuffcam
it would be more practical i think. to chat or talk.
I think this is the third project I've seen proposed for an anti-bullying campaign. I was involved with one of them and a few of us provided a clip for it.

When you use the word documentary though, are you looking for a specific direction or message to be said? Or are you just chaining together a bunch of testimonials? Seems a little open ended and you might get 30 minutes worth of details or 30 seconds of "Stop Bullying".
Yes that is a good point.. I couldn't find the right word. But I definitely want there to be a powerful message conveyed, and different stories being told and how it affects us now.. and how bullying sticks with you.
I'm interested! :D
Do you have some sort of a plan how each of us should film our parts?
I am going to send out a big e-mail with everyone who is interested! what is your e-mail?[DOUBLEPOST=1369680000,1369679980][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well I got verbally abused by some white girl who had brown hair so their manner of insulting me was to say really loud: YELLOW HAIR YELLOW HAIR.
Or stuff like: Look at her shoes, they are so ugly.
Or: **** **** ***** ..etc..etc.[DOUBLEPOST=1369678357,1369678295][/DOUBLEPOST]
and you could add me on skype: powerpuffcam
it would be more practical i think. to chat or talk.
okay! adding you now!
Here's the video I mentioned put together by another yttalk member about a month ago if it gives you an idea. She edited it down pretty well to give a coherent and consistent message.