Branding Elements...Any Suggestions?

Do you have any universal branding tips/ requirements/must haves or do's and don'ts for newtubers that are looking to capture a target demographic/ audience?
Can you advise of any reading material such as books, blogs or post that would be helpful?
Best example of what I mean is probably IGN's channel. Everything should be similar. There should be recurring themes. If you're using a specific icon or color tone, try to put that in all the places you can. Notice how IGN takes their brand red and icon and font puts that everywhere. When someone sees the IGN logo, they instantly think of IGN because of how well it was branded and integrated.
That makes sense.., thanks now I know what to keep an eye out for. I checked ur video, (going to check the entire channel) made me laugh bc the caption cut off before you could finish reading. I'm not too big of a gamer, but, I loved final fantasy 7 (old skool) & I also like assassin's creed. thx again for replying
Like Kushal said, if you have a channel that is well laid out it will look consistent throughout the layout, from the avatar to the banner, outro slate and intro. If your branding is consistent it looks much more professional than if it were to be slopped together. Even if all of which were cool but not similar it would look out of place.

Besides that make sure it's high quality and sells your brand. Think of if you were to come to your channel for the first time. Without looking at the videos would they want to see more by the way the channel looks? Or would they want to move on to the next channel.
Be original. Find a colourscheme that works, colours that contrast or blend well add a lot to the design.