Bot comments good or bad

Amber lynx

I've Got It
I was having trouble getting comments and I just started noticing I was getting a few. Yay! Right? Well Idk I was told they're not real. Then I noticed they must not be because I have to reveal the comments for public to see them. However if they're positive I think it might attract other people to comment too even real ones. What do you guys think?
I dont think i've ever seen a bot comment that I could not tell it was a bot.. If you are seeing comments that are good/positive, I would leave them.
One test I use to determine if it's a bot: If it would apply to ANY video, then it's fake. For example "Great video, I just subbed!" would apply to any video and may not be real, but "Great video about Niki and i love your Trump Tshirt" is probably real.
I dont think i've ever seen a bot comment that I could not tell it was a bot.. If you are seeing comments that are good/positive, I would leave them.
One test I use to determine if it's a bot: If it would apply to ANY video, then it's fake. For example "Great video, I just subbed!" would apply to any video and may not be real, but "Great video about Niki and i love your Trump Tshirt" is probably real.
Ooh okay well then yeah they're fake cause it do be vague comments like that
I don't think generic comments are fake... how could they be, they're right in front of you. Probably a high likelihood they're an attempt for the poster to gain channel recognition through comments though. But what's one of the biggest recommendations on how to grow your channel... comment on other peoples videos. Sure, people who leave genuinely thoughtful comments because they liked your video not because they're trying to market their own channels are awesome... but with thousands of people trying to cross promote on YouTube at the recommendation of larger "marketing" channels, we're all bound to get them at some point or another.

...or maybe the poster could be genuinely unoriginal...

I'll gladly take a "generic" comment over the way it was years ago when the comment section of every YouTube video was full of vial hate-mongering. I say if they're positive, and not overtly spammy, publish them. The more comments you have the more comments you'll get. Just like views, subs, ect.