best way to get views

Advertise on social networking, make video responses to big youtubers, use fireviews, ask your friends to watch and share, post in the video sharing thread here on YT Talk.

Don't forget to make good use of tags on your videos, that is how people find you in searches.
Advertise on social networking, make video responses to big youtubers, use fireviews, ask your friends to watch and share, post in the video sharing thread here on YT Talk.

Don't forget to make good use of tags on your videos, that is how people find you in searches.

me personally would do everything she said except for fireviews, sites like these have a tendency in resulting your YouTube account being ban or your adsense. Although they follow YT's TOS most of the time their bots will get the traffic confuse and think is something else resulting in your channel being ban along with adsense (if connected to the account).
me personally would do everything he said except for fireviews, sites like these have a tendency in resulting your YouTube account being ban or your adsense. Although they follow YT's TOS most of the time their bots will get the traffic confuse and think is something else resulting in your channel being ban along with adsense (if connected to the account).
Can you name someone this has happened to?
Collaborate with people that do the same thing you do, share your videos on forums and social networking sites (don't spam), make sure the visual and audio quality in your videos are good, make friends with other youtubers, comment on other videos and most importantly, have fun making videos :D
there are plenty of threads about this no need to post a thread when there is a search function for the forum. Your question has already been answered again and again in previous threads.
But there are no reports of fireviews users getting strikes or banned, right?
directly connected to fireviews, that i know of havent hear it mention. i mean if your using it im not going to tell you to stop using it is really up to you. ill give you an example i used to use tubetoolbox on my first account ever created on youtube and i used it for 4 months with no problem and one day i got on and the account was banned, but till this day the program is still around and people use it(some even say they never had problems with it) so i guess its all down to what the YT bots think is invalid traffic or not. the only thing im trying to say is you run risk using site like these