Best time to post when you have practically no subscribers?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I'm pretty new to YouTube, I am about to put out my 4th video. I have a question about what is the best day/time to post new videos? I've seen that you can use your analytics if you already have subscribers, but I only have 6 subscribers so far. I've been releasing mine on Sundays but I feel like that's a mistake. I would appreciate any help you guys can offer! Thank you.
it largely depends on your content but their are a few universals when you get started :) If I were you I wouldnt worry about Timezones or appealing to different countries at this point as, while it will become important once you've grown a bit, for now I'd just stick to worrying about the times and audience from where your based.

Sundays are a bit of a gamble of a day, if you publish your videos super early in the morning you may do alright on a Sunday (again depending on your content) but generally people tend to be busy on sundays getting ready for the week ahead so views tend to be down on the whole across youtube once you get past midday.

Weekdays tend to do alright; Mondays and Fridays in particular as most people tend to come home from work or school on monday evenings and spend there evening online and friday evenings, especially now, its all about having a few beers (or glasses of wine) and enjoying whatevers on youtube, twitch or netflix rather than going out. but I should also say that a lot of people tend to publish on mondays and fridays so depedning on your content you may have some fierce competition. so maybe look at a midweek roll out till you've grown a bit (Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays) they tend to be quieter days on the publishing front so you'd probably clean up quite nicely on there :)

It'll be a while before you get solid and reliable analyitics (Im only just breaking 400 subs and 80k views and my analytics are only NOW starting to give me any kind of meaningful information) but generally once you pick a day and time, stick with it for a while and let the familiarity build up with your audience :) that way you'll keep them coming back or checking your channel around that time to see if you've put anything new up.

(For reference I make film reviews and I've been publishing every Friday at 2:30pm now for a couple of years. when I finally unlocked "Best time to post" data on my analytics it told me to basically stay where I was but upload and hour or two earlier which im considering doing in the new year)
Just post it. I would focus on content, thumbnail/title/description design & getting the videos out. Also, you can put channel link under name(age) as seen under mine to the LEFT of this msg - read my signature on HOW TO below this msg

whoaa, where is that located?

Youtube Studio > Analytics > Audience > When Your Viewers are on Youtube :) it's a colour coded system where the darker the colour is the better the time to publish when your on smaller views/subs it's a little bit all over the place when your small, but once you have a few hundred subs (over 300) it starts settling down a bit :)