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Look through hundreds of post? I counted 3 just on the first two pages, that took a total of 30 seconds, with more info than he will get with this thread. Please educate yourself on the amount of posts just on the front page before saying he would have to look through hundreds of posts.Well maybe some people dont want to have to look through hundreds of posts! And whats so wrong with helping people out even if the question has been answered a 100 times! You got an issue, take it somewhere else. Cause 99% of the people are actually here to help and then theres you, the dicks that always gotta be a smart a** with everyone.
Nothing wrong with helping people out, but when there are stickies that explain it well, and you answer this question daily, it starts to get old. I have no issue, just don't understand why people waste more time asking when it's right in front of them. I can see you're good at wasting a post, since you clearly didn't answer it either, and now are complaining about others. Maybe I should call you a d**k as well, since you clearly did the same thing I did. Your input is not needed in this thread, maybe go try somewhere else to start something.
I wouldn't have answered his quote so rudely if he wouldn't have been a crybaby, and tried to insult me. If you took the time to actually read my post, i never called him anything or insulted him. I simply said please read other posts because they contain the answers. So when someone that asks for help, and I respond by telling him to please read the other threads because he will find his answers, and then replies with a rude comment, I will respond how I should have in the first place. Don't come in here and call people dicks or smartass' when you have nothing more to provide this thread with than a nonsense answer. Take your own advice about being a "d**k".
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