Services Banner and Avatar Creation 100% FREE!

so i want the avatar to look similar to me. An avatar is a little person basically so i want that little person aka avatar to look like me
The avatar is your profile picture for YouTube. I guess I could animate you and you could make it your profile picture XD
Also I checked out your channel, and used your get more subs tab, great idea!
You know when people have like a cartoon animation of themselves? That's what i would like. Also thanks hopefully it works.
Okay. I need a picture of you though. Would you like to be a stick figure?
nah i want to be a proper animation so like kga tv search him up on yttalk search. Like his picture. Also go onto my channel box below and clock on thatrandyvlogger if you see the video then that is me so you can just get it from there.
Hate to hate but your example banners are terrible. Try working on making things flow and match with each other. The background should fit the pictures and text. Keep practicing and I'm sure you'll get better :)