Bad feedback from friends?


so because we discussed this a little in another thread i was just wondering how your sitiuation is with this issue.

what do your friends think of your videos? do they give you good or bad feedback? someone once told me that she totally hates my music, told me that i didn't have any talent and that she only subscribed to me because i asked her to. and that someone was one of my best friends.

SlenderMan said that most people get bad feedback from their friends. is that true? what's your experience?
I have some friends who support me and watch my videos, some that just dont watch them, and others that watch them but don't like them (that makes sense..)
Well, I have a few close friends that watch my stuff, my girlfriend loves watching all my videos, but I do have some that found my channel and just didn't like it, but then it was to be expected really, I didn't care if I'm honest haha :)
So far I've gotten fairly positive feedback from my friends. Most of them are starting a youtube too so they completely understand how difficult it is and we help eachother grow. I haven't heard anything bad from my other friends though. They seem to like my stuff.. so I'm happy! :):D
I have a friend who I ask what he wants to see. Then there's one that also watches some of my videos when he's working and he keeps telling me to do newer games (which I don't have the money nor the want to do them). Then there's one that promised he would sub when I reach 49 subs so he could be #50. I dunno everyone is alright with it, it's not like they're gonna hate me for doing something.
I had friends who have not only didn't like my videos (which isn't a bad thing) but also made fun of them weekly almost daily. Key word here, "HAD." They were big dicks and I don't even know why I talked to them....
Most of the negative feedback is about how I'm not putting enough effort into editing, but that's mostly from my brother who also uploads videos to YouTube. And apparently I should put a lot more effort into the advertisement of my channel.

Unfortunately for him though I don't give a crap, I'm enjoying myself :D